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Thank you so much for opening up your home to me and making me feel like family! I have grown so much spiritually this month as a result of the check-ins, the classes, and the spiritual environment you provided. The Christ in me sees the Christ in you!


Valarie Hopkins


I had a marvelous stay at the Little Garden!


I really loved the daily check-ins and the book readings. It was a wonderful experience joining with mighty companions and sharing our experience of the Course on a daily basis.


I really appreciate the willingness and commitment of everyone in the house in applying the teaching of the Course by choosing to see things differently. It was beautiful to witness the healing and miracles that happened during my stay. 


Thank you Jan! I am very grateful for your hospitality and everything that you do to teach the Course. 


Fabien Lemaitre


Sharing a month living with A Course in Miracles students and teachers was such a unique and beautiful experience. My life path has been full of opportunities to “run away”, with quite a temptation to do so.


Being able to see the courage and humanity and divinity in others as they openly sought for the things that were deep in my heart, allowed me to feel more free to explore my own expression in love, and to be confident in the gift of me to share.


Erin Harding


I came to the Little Garden to find clarity and balance — spiritually, mentally and physically.


That journey was guided by Jan and Timothy’s loving support. Their excellent knowledge and impeccable teaching is digestible and expansive. They also embrace and practice Course principles/practices in their home, simply living the Course.


Sedona itself is also a sanctuary. Timothy and Jan have the grace of being extraordinarily spiritual folks that are long time residents of this beautiful place. It was a privilege living in their home.


I have become inspired and renewed in so many ways. The words Thank You don’t begin to express my boundless gratitude to both of them.


Cathie Jones


This was the best vacation I ever had! …I miss The Little Garden. Jan and Tim were such good hosts. They are warm and welcoming. And my suite was lovely. Actually, everything about this experience was wonderful.


And most of all, I absolutely love having A Course In Miracles group every day. Between that and just talking about the Course through the days I was there was an immersive experience that I will miss very much.          


Rev. Myron Jones


Spirit, through a series of coincidences, led me to two extraordinary Teachers of the Course. … Jan and Timothy are gentle teachers. Their honesty during morning check-ins keeps things real. The wholehearted love encouraged me to go deeper within myself.


The daily experience of living the Course ushered me into a deeper peace within my mind, and a truer understanding of the Course as a way of life. I am grateful for all the people that have been called to teach the Course at this deep level.


Pamela Kenney


Thank you so much for opening your home and providing such a wonderful opportunity for growth. This has been exactly what I needed.  I truly enjoyed my time here and really enjoyed living with you. It has been fantastic for me.  I have needed to be around people who are on the path.


I’ll really miss the regular morning check-ins and the movie nights!  I’ve loved being able to share, to hear what you both share, and be able to discuss things and get input.


Being here has really advanced my study a lot, as well as tons of letting go of old patterns.  I feel that I am leaving with a great deal, and I am truly grateful for it.


I’ll miss a lot of things about being here, the peace you both cultivate, the joy, the singing, the sharing, the devotion to God, the willingness to give it all up to Holy Spirit, and the earnest seeking.  It has been just what I needed.


Again, thank you for your willingness and openness, and for providing a place like this.  I’m sure I will see you again.

Jake Owens


Thank you for the loving flow that helped me carry through. Thank you Jan for holding such a healing space and a cleansing through forgiveness. Thank you for your acceptance and holding a healing space. This is just what I needed.


Julia Carpenter


It didn’t take long for you to become my new family and for your beautiful house and garden- my new home. Staying with you provided a perfect balance of solitude and community. I enjoyed spending time in silence in my room or on a hike as much as I loved sharing meals with you, playing games, or having ACIM-based check-ins to start the day with joy and clarity. The house is located in a beautiful neighborhood, very close to many hiking trails and even to the courts where I could play the pickleball.


The more I learned about Jan and Timothy and their path, the more I admired their knowledge of and dedication to A Course in Miracles and for all the inner work that they have been doing with others or by themselves.


I found the Little Garden through an amazing synchronicity. I have been thinking for a while that I would love to visit Sedona, and one day I mentioned it to Myron Jones, my mentor through the Pathways of Light. She told me about her wonderful experience staying with Jan and Timothy, and for me that sounded like a perfect combination of Sedona and ACIM. I immediately contacted Jan, and there was an opening exactly for the month and the room that I wanted.


Thank you for your hospitality and hope to visit you again in the nearest future!


Irina Khramtsova


I felt held and cared for during my stay.  Your thoughtfulness and loving kindness have been a true blessing. My heartfelt gratitude for welcoming me into your lives, your lovely home, and offering a nurturing place for my Being. I look forward to future visits and our continued connection.


Karin Lee


I spent a month studying with Jan and Tim in their beautiful home and can’t say enough about how much I loved the experience. The natural beauty of Sedona, immersion in the Course, a room well-appointed with a private bath and outdoor sitting area, the sound of Tim’s fountain, Jan’s incredible garden, what else can I say?  There is no other place like it. 


Connie Brannock


There is privacy, there is community, and there is always a warm welcome. I spent a month here, and I can say that Jan and Tim are five star hosts. They support your journey inward and your journey out along the Glorious Pathways and trails beyond The Little Garden. You will find everything you need in your own room, and yet there’s shared space that can accommodate your work, meditation, social and exercise needs. Don’t hesitate to ask Jan for advice about hikes around Sedona. I call The Little Garden ‘the love house’ and plan to be back soon!     


Amy Weintraub


I lived in Jan and Timothy’s lovely and loving home for 10 months. Being experienced and dedicated Course teachers, they provide in-depth study and ongoing practice of A Course In Miracles. Living together in shared intent, the practice is kept in focus, learning is intensified and deepened! Thank you, Jan and Timothy!


Poppy Paoli  


Dear Jan and Timothy,

Thank you for a month that has changed me and my life! Your love, peace and forgiveness was a gift present at all times.


Connie Carroll


had so many thoughts/emotions as I prepared to stay at The Little Garden. While I was excited about the retreat experience and all that I would learn, there were some anxious moments when I asked myself, What were you thinking??


I admit it was quite a bit out of my comfort zone. I am pleased to say that Jan and Timothy quickly welcomed me into their home, their lives and their love. When I felt insecure in my knowledge of the Course, they reminded me not to beat myself up, they reminded me what the Course teaches about Who I Really Am.


I went to the retreat with the intention of making some decisions about my career. I came away from the retreat with a new level of understanding about the decisions I make All day, Every day.

I am thankful to Jan and Timothy for their willingness to share ACIM, and of course, I am especially thankful they helped me step out of my comfort zone. 


Rachel Connell




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